Monday, April 20, 2015

21 Things I learned at 21

When I turned 21 a year ago, my friends stood there by me. Sharing the calm night at the top of the mountains with some sweet drinks and photos. It was by far the first atypical celebration of mine and I guess, I loved it. It was just filled with tranquility and contentment. Right inside me, I know that I was very thankful and up until this time and forever, I will be.

The entire year was a roller-coaster ride for me. A lot of things had happened and all of them made my 21st a great memory to remember and recall. And so above all, I wanted to share the twenty-one things I have learned and realized right until this point.

1. Love and appreciate yourself first more than anything and anyone else in the world. No matter how many tons of people surrounds you, at the end of the day, you only have yourself and nobody's gonna love you completely than ever than yourself. 
2. You don't need alcohol to look cool.  Be yourself and people around you will respect that. 
 3. It's still totally fine to have milk all day long. Remember the healthy facts dear. 
4.  Get away from social media and meet people from physical contact. It is very important to engaged with people in the most normal way. In person contact leads to satisfying and rich relationships. 
5. It is okay to start to get chubby but still manage to have a healthy one.You will still gain weight along the way, so better accept that anyway.  Meghan Trainor's mom once said, boy's still like a little booty to hold at night. 
6. If someone walks out of your life, let them be and don't look back. Appreciate it happened and move on. 
7. Listening to music is the best way to reduce anxiety. 
8. It's okay to do the things your parents told you were once bad. They are just trying to protect your innocence.
9. The little things always count. Live with gratitude and kindness. Say "thank you" and receive everything with kindness.
10.  If you wanted to make someone happy, act naturally with them. You don't need to try hard. 
 11. Give your all, unless with love. Manage to keep a little for yourself. 
 12. Be flexible and be aware of your limitations. Life can throw you a lot of sticks and you needed to get a tight grip of yourself. 
13. Whatever you do, make sure it makes you happy and be passionate with it, how little or great it may be.
14. Practice healthy communication. It's a good investment for the future.
15. Family still comes first but it's okay to be selfish sometimes, just make sure you got a good reason at your back. People will understand. 
16. Say your opinion. Be honest and be vocal about that, but don't forget to say it with kindness and always consider others too. 
17. If you're 21 and you still don't have a significant other, you don't need to sweat over it. Don't let others define you. Relationships can be a very great experience but it shouldn't make or break your life at once. Successful relationships stems from honesty and respect and you need to consider that the foremost. 
18. No one is going to come to you and hand you things. You need to work for it and invest your blood and sweat.
19.  Never stop learning. Be eager with things and read a lot. But please, read only the reliable sources. Okay? 
 20. Whoever you see in the mirror, you are beautiful and one person over there is wishing she could be like you. There is no point comparing yourself to others, you are your own epitomy of beauty. 
 21. Everything is going to be okay. Believe and have faith to the Highest. 

Looking forward for the best. Cheers for another year and for the millions to come!

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