Thursday, January 29, 2015

I can't think of a single word to start this off.
I mean, there are a lot of thoughts playing on my mind right now but I just can't seem to pick which one should come first.
Each of these thoughts are like starving for recognition, they all wanted to be heard.
But poor me, as much as I wanted to let it out. I feel paralyzed, like emotionally.

And so here's where Music plays a role.

When everything just seem to be blurry and muddy.
When everything are just scattered all  over the place.
I just hit on my playlist and press that play button on.
And emotions which were initially paralyzed, just started to explode on its most dramatic yet artistically stoke.
Words which were hard to acknowledge became relatively effortless to utter and reveal.
And while it's hitting on,  I just can't help myself to get drown with its tune and rhythm.
It becomes the sound of my voice,
The silence in my heart,
And the soul in my spirit.
It feels like perfection in its most subtle way. 

I wanted it to last.
I wanted it to keep playing and drag me to wherever place there could be.
Keep playing
Keep it play

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