Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Catching up!

It's been a while.
How are you?
Long holidays are over. How did you spent yours?

Well as for me, Nothing was so special except that I spent it with my family and friends.
I was always told by my family that, there's nothing more precious that being with the family close to your heart. And when I say family, it doesn't only refers to your biological family. It can be people whom you are not related by blood or genes but has influenced and made a significant  contribution to what you are now. So with whom did you spent your holidays with?

As I said, I was just staying and enjoying some time with my family at home. Because aside from the Filipino notion that Holidays are for families. Children are also not allowed to go somewhere else especially on the New Years Day. You can walk around your house but you are not allowed to go farther than 1 km from your house. I personally don't get it too but that's what old people believe in and you have to conform with that because "old people are wiser enough". But because of the advances of media and technology nowadays, we have learned to attune fiction and reality. And because I am a "New generation baby", I went out to hang with my friends on the New years day. Yes, I did. Call it whatever but I did had fun. 

More than the Holidays itself, the No-school and No-work days which made everyone jump off their feet. It is truly how you spent it and to whom did you spent it with which makes it extra special. Well, I hope you had a blast, little one!

And now, we're back in the game. Raise your glasses up, fellas! 
Back where you need to do everything you are supposed to do- work and school. 

But ain't gonna be sad though because that just means upcoming exciting events and experiences are waiting for y'all. Keep surviving and Keep that smile pasted on that beautiful face. Heads up! 


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